Hooker on the Beat down

27 Aug

I just knew that we had reached what was then an all time low in the hood when …

Hooker on the Beat down

I remember a undercover female cop getting laid the fck out by a hooker at Kensington and Venango streets. Funny as hell, she thought the cop was trying to muscle in on her corner.. What was the name of the bar on the corner?? Anyways, always a hoot for sure. I can imagine what happened to the working girl when they finally hauled her away.. LOL


It was that big sting operation where they were going to list the Johns in the newspaper (I think that actually happened). LOL.. About 8 PM Undercover female officer dropped off at the corner. Lady cop goes up to first car to stop at the red light . Basically you are trapped if you get caught at that light on a busy night. Taps on the window, tap tap. Hey, wanna buy a date?, Guy looks across car at his Wife sitting right next to him as if to say, “Well honey, what do I do?” When, WHAM!! Spanky the skanky SLAMS the cop from behind.. Smashing her face against the now rolled up car window. Husband and wife inside Frozen in fear.. LOL.. Spanky starts wailing on this cop for about 10-20 good long seconds and she was telling this lady, You stay the fck off my corner bitch.. I’ll show you, mess with my money, wham, kick, slam, and then they tackled her to the ground.. Never saw that undercover female cop again. Long time till Spanky the skanky was back to work.. Such Entertainment you cannot buy.. A typical Friday night under the El.. LOL

by poppa dan

2 Responses to “Hooker on the Beat down”

  1. nonnastreats August 27, 2013 at 3:18 pm #

    They ran a list of the names of the Johns on the front page of the Daily News.. See any friends on there?? LOL

  2. nonnastreats August 27, 2013 at 3:18 pm #

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